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Joseph Dellger
I took up oil painting several years ago and I love it! I work in oil. I travel a lot for work and usually the hotel rooms I stay in don't have windows that open so I've taken to using water mixable oils when I'm in hotel rooms. The paintings below have been done with both water mixable oils and conventional oils.
APPLE - Oil 6 x 8
Bixby Takes A Ride - Oil 6 x 8
Possibilities - Oil 8x10 sold
Arizona Golf Course - Oil 18 x24 - sold
Curious Cows - Oil 8x10
Molly and Mara - Oil 12 x 16 - sold
Wood Working Tools - Oil 12 x 16
Sabrina - Oil 16 x 20 - sold
Gryfin - Oil 12 x 14
Kris Kringle - Oil
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